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Static I and II anti-static air-tight

Static I and II anti-static air-tight

Regular price €276,00
Regular price Sale price €276,00
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Hbiomed offers you a stadium anti -spaces therapeutic mattress I and II - with static air - with 3 possible sizes: 90 x 200 x 5 cm - 90 x 200 x 10 cm - 90 x 200 x 15 cm.

All undesirables of all kinds - Pestilential odors (incontinence - pee in bed) - mites - bedbugs - can be eradicated during machine wash, at your home in your washing machine.

  • Not motorized: no maintenance and no noise.
  • Washable in washing machine (does not contain foam)
  • Reusable - promotes sustainable development and the circular economy

Hbiomed masters the protocols of hospital laundry /machine washing allowing a bactericidal and sporing activity, including multi-resistant bacteria such as Bactilis subtilis, Staphiloccus aureus, and Clostridium difficult.

These washing protocols are certified by Eurofins - Institut Pasteur de Lille.

Hbiomed offers these reusable washable mattresses, which can be offered for sale and rental, promoting reconditioning, ecological transition and sustainable development.


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